Belated Review – Sherlock Holmes Puzzle

Well, a year late but I should also give Andrea Farnham of Thingamajigsaw a positive review of an amazing jigsaw puzzle that any Sherlock Holmes fan simply must own. Using Larry Elliott’s artwork ( she has created an incredible puzzle that requires knowledge of Sherlock Holmes stories to complete.

Here’s a picture of the completed puzzle with the silhouette figural pieces removed:IMG_2960


Those figural pieces you will notice are arranged in a spiral… So you need to link each figural with a story (the complete works of Sherlock Holmes are provided). For example, if you said the Rosary figural was associated with the “The Sign of Four” you would write that figural down next to the story name. The Rosary is positioned as “O” starting from “A” at the outside of the spiral. Knowing that the Rosary is O will let you decode a secret message which is indexed by letter, e.g. “O6” so the 6th letter in “The Sign of Four” is “G” write that down, and continue.

Lots of fun, I brought my copy of this puzzle to a board game gathering and it took a group several hours to assemble and then another several hours to decipher the code. Very clever multi-layer design and guaranteed to entertain.

Definitely a keeper.